Thank you for working with us to plan for your transition from Windows XP to Windows 7 Professional. We will be transitioning up to 400 customers per month throughout 2014, and we want to make sure that we can upgrade you at a time that is convenient to your store.

To help us expedite your upgrade, please perform the following actions at your earliest convenience:

  • Download and run the MPSInfo Tool on each workstation to be swapped. This file will gather valuable system information (including IP addresses, peripheral device connections, software versions, etc.) from your workstation to assist our MPS&A service technicians with your hardware swap.

Instructions for running the MPSInfo Tool:

  1. Download the MPSInfo tool to each Windows XP workstation being swapped. You can do this by browsing to this website from each applicable workstation and then running the tool. Note: Please be sure that the user has the appropriate rights on the workstation or the output file will not generate.

  2. Double-click on the MPSInfo Tool icon. The tool will display as an icon with the name devcon.exe on your desktop. The application will run in the background; no new window or user interface will launch on your screen.

  3. Let the program run for approximately 30-60 seconds. It is complete when the devcon.exe file is deleted and a text file is saved to the location from which the tool was executed. (This could be your desktop, a /temp directory, etc.). The text filename will be in the format computername_systeminfo.txt. Note: this file needs to be run on every workstation being swapped.

  4. Send McKesson the output text file from each workstation to be swapped. You can email the file as an attachment or fax it to your MPS&A Account Manager.

Please register for your upgrade and return the MPSInfo Tool output file promptly to ensure that your transition to Windows 7 Professional will go as smoothly as possible.

Once we have received your information, your MPS&A Account Manager will contact you within 2-3 weeks to finalize the details of your transition.

Thank you for your assistance,

MPS&A Hardware Team

To read the Windows XP to Windows 7 Professional Migration FAQ, please click here.

For information from Microsoft on the Windows XP operating system sunset, please click here.

Schedule your transition from Windows XP to Windows 7

McKesson 30881 Schoolcraft Road, Livonia, MI 48150. +1 800.521.1758 [email protected]