McKesson Pharmacy Systems

EnterpriseRx  -- The Leader in Clinically-Driven Pharmacy Workflow Software

Lorem Ipsum Full-Width Headline Section 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet dapibus eget nulla mi semper mi erat. Enim nibh euismod felis ultrices vestibulum ante. Occulluptati tet expe dolupti orroruptium fugia doluptur aut il moloristo doloreri intur, cum nim as exerume nes eat. Hendae. Optatia tisinci psandunti de venimusam ut laut que nobiscia quia essit optus earumet pro conectur, exces dolore plant ium quidus abo. Ita voluptas unt faciisqui dolorereris eseque.

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Pharmacy Software To Solve 
Tomorrow's Challenges Today! 

EnterpriseRx® is uniquely designed to help you take control of your workflow, giving you the freedom to focus on important tasks like vaccinations and patient counseling opportunities. Fully integrated with the latest Adherence, Med Sync, and Clinical Programs, our workflow software is proven to help you save time, reduce costs, and increase profits.

Join us for a webinar and see how you can put the power of EnterpriseRx to work for you. Learn how McKesson can help you:

  • Improve Vaccine Efficiency
  • Integrate Clinical Programs
  • Advance Patient Care

Register for the Free Webinar
Date: Monday, February 22
Time: 1:00pm ET

Register for the Webinar

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Lorem Ipsum Sub-headline Section 4

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet dapibus eget nulla mi semper mi erat. Enim nibh euismod felis ultrices vestibulum ante. Occulluptati tet expe dolupti orroruptium fugia doluptur aut il moloristo doloreri intur, cum nim as exerume nes eat. Hendae. Optatia tisinci psandunti de venimusam ut laut que nobiscia quia essit optus earumet pro conectur, exces dolore plant ium quidus abo. Ita voluptas unt faciisqui dolorereris eseque.

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Start Improving the Patient Experience 

We know that taking care of your patients is important to you. You can count on us to give you the time, resources and tools you need to better serve your patients and encourage healthier outcomes. 

  • Expand your vaccination program without adding staff or resources
  • Target your at-risk patients through medication adherence, patient counseling and
    customized clinical programs aimed at helping them get or stay healthy.
  • Update your workflow and improve your staff's efficiency so they can spend more time with patients.
  • Offer convenient Med Sync options so your patients can pick up all their prescriptions at the same time.

"The beauty of it is, if you do the right thing for the patient, you do the right thing for your business. EnterpriseRx is helping us do so many more things right for our patients. It’s the foundation of what we want to do in the future."

Sam Haddadin, Pharmacy Projects Manager, Associated Food Stores | Salt Lake City, UT
Lorem Ipsum Sub-headline Section 7

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet dapibus eget nulla mi semper mi erat. Enim nibh euismod felis ultrices vestibulum ante. Occulluptati tet expe dolupti orroruptium fugia doluptur aut il moloristo doloreri intur, cum nim as exerume nes eat. Hendae. Optatia tisinci psandunti de venimusam ut laut que nobiscia quia essit optus earumet pro conectur, exces dolore plant ium quidus abo. Ita voluptas unt faciisqui dolorereris eseque.